Not much updates here lately re mkv remuxing. The reason is that I'm now using the excellent software called ps3mediaserver which makes my mkv remuxing obsolete (at least for my needs). The code and downloads can be found at I switched to use freeBSD on my server to make use of ZFS etc. I had to do some patches to ps3 media server to make it run perfectly on BSD. So if there are any interest re this I could post my patches and instructions.
Update:I patched the mkfifo part. However I found out now that this issue was already submitted by someone else: didn't patch the mencoder part... I'm pretty much just use it with tsMuxeR anyway.
The trick to get tsMuxeR to work is to enable Linux support for freeBSD (I'm running 7.2 rel) .
See used
linux_base-fc6 instead of
linux_base-fc4 . I also had to update binutils to 2.19 to make
it compile.
After this the Linux version of tsMuxeR should run perfectly.